
Stacee Kalmanovsky了解雨的內在美。她在玻璃天花板下以釣魚線接上珠子來呈現"雨"這自然現象。雨珠就這樣降在半空。


Stacee Kalmanovsky understands the intrinsic beauty of rain. To replicate the natural phenomenon, she created this installation of beads attached to a fishing line, hung underneath a glass ceiling. It's as if she froze time, along with the rain drops in mid-air.

According to her website: "Stacee's work is rooted in the uncanny, suggestive, and picturesque. Her urge to invent and exaggerate is tempered by a deep dedication to the medium at hand."

Born in Gomel, Belarus in 1981, Stacee then moved to Chicago where she attended the University of Illinois. She currently lives and works out of Florence, Italy.



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